Monday, May 17, 2010

Develloper Interview and Xbox 360 Gameplay

Are you ready? Let's take a look at this astonishing interview and trailer of Alan Wake. The develloper takes you through the story and shows you why you should play this game! Wake might be a fictional character but the setting and ambiance of the game makes him come to life. To find out the end of this story you must play in the shoes of Alan Wake and fight the forces of darkness.

Here's an actual gameplay trailer. Wake is running away from the police which is attacked by the dark forces and doesn't stand a chance. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Alan Wake the New Psychological Masterpiece

Alan Wake is the new psychological trailer for the Xbox360. This game is a masterpiece. It's made in such a way that it feels like watching a tv show. The main character, Alan, is a writer that hasn't been able to write anything for the last 2 years. In search of inspiration, him and his wife Alice take a vacation in the small town Bright Falls. He soon realizes that his nightmares become a reality when his wife dissapears. He must fight the dark presence "The Taken" that posesses the locals. He does this by using light and light weapons like flare guns and such. You have to take a look at these pictures and at the trailers.